Bird borders
Borders large and small can offer a wide range of food and habitat for wildlife
Make sure you include:
Nectar-rich flowers to help insects
Seed producing plants to feed birds, insects and mammals
Dense ground foliage offering cool protection for insects and amphibians, as well as hiding spots for small mammals and birds
Larger shrubs and plants for protection from predators and nesting sites
Taller shrubs and trees for nesting sites, places for feeders, singing posts and perching spots
Consider your planting carefully to offer a range of food sources and cover throughout the seasons.
Many plants have seed heads and berries during winter – don’t be too tidy and cut these back. Cold times are hard for birds, so plants that hold their seeds until late in the year can be essential for birds’ survival.
This will also make your garden very attractive and interesting for you for a longer period.
There are some wonderful planting ideas at Fabulous Garden Plans
Plants which can help a range of birds can include: sunflower, rowan, berberis, yarrow, evening primrose, lavender, elderberry, firethorn, holly, angelica, forget me not, teasel, golden rod, honesty, guelder rose, lemon balm, berries, sedum, pyracantha, loosestrife and foxglove.