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In Memory Gifts

A donation made after an individual has passed away

This could be a specific sum given by their heirs or a collection in lieu of flowers at their funeral.

These gifts are vital to fund our expanding research program and continuing the fight to save our songbirds.

Let us help you set up an In Memory Gift:

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Your Stories:

Bruce Cowe


Bruce was a long time supporter of SBS.  An active member who regularly regaled friends and family about SBS and the work we do.

Sadly we received messages from his family advising he had died at home, surrounded by his family, aged 86.  Having spoken with him on the phone before I had not realised his age.  I do remember long chats about birds and the problems they face as well as discussions about our own work, interspersed with good natured jokes and some great stories from his life.  He seemed like a wonderful man and I was very sad to hear of his passing.

The family were very keen for Bruce’s support for SBS to continue with his funeral

and set up an in memory collection with us.  They asked for leaflets and

newsletters so they could give them out at the funeral so everyone could know

about the cause.  They even had special nestbox shaped collection boxes

made for use on the day.  We set up an online donation page as well as the

cash and cheques they collected at the funeral.

In total over £2,600 was raised; an amazing sum to remember a lovely man. 

I asked the family if they would like the funds to be used for any specific

purpose and they were pleased to be able to support the education of young

people in their local area as this would be the perfect way to remember

Bruce; since he had always tried to educate those around him on the subject. 


We have set aside the funds to be used at our schools programme.  These funds

will allow us to attend their local area for the next two years and educate over

2,500 children.

I have since met some of his lovely family in person and they have all

promised to join the charity as members in Bruce’s memory.

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Victoria Joyce


Victoria was an avid bird lover, she particularly loved nightingales, she thought them the most beautiful tiny birds with the most melodic song and was deeply concerned with the decline in their numbers due to the many challenges they, and other songbirds face. Her father John told us how she spent many hours listening to and recording songbirds, and for her birthday last year, she requested that her friends and family donate to SBS instead of giving gifts.

After Victoria's recent passing, her sister Claire started a birthday fundraiser on Facebook to ask for donations for us in lieu of birthday gifts. Victoria's children, Katrina and Adam, also set up a fundraising page through and invited friends and family to donate.


They all chose SBS as the beneficiary knowing how much it would have meant to Victoria to be able to raise funds for a cause which had been so close to her heart.

With the most generous donations from their friends and family, Claire, Katrina and Adam were collectively able to raise a staggering £1554.26. Such a fantastic amount which honours Victoria's name and will contribute directly to our continued research into the causes of the decline of her cherished nightingales and other threatened songbirds.

This will be a wonderful way to remember Victoria, and, we hope, brings some comfort to Victoria's friends and family at an incredibly sad time.

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We are now partnered with memorial website specialists MuchLoved to offer you the ability to create your own website dedicated to a loved one who has died, with an online funeral notice service to help collect donations for our charity should you wish.

MuchLoved is a charity set up to help bereaved people following a death, their memorial website service is both easy to use and sensitively designed. Click here to find out more.

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