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Inspiring People

Stories from our volunteers and supporters to inspire your creative awareness raising and fundraising activities



Amanda Cooper from Oxfordshire, a long-standing friend and SBS member held an Open Garden in May this year.


As part of the National Garden Scheme (NGS), all proceeds raised from the entrance fee to gardens in the scheme are donated to cancer charities, but Amanda, as in previous years chooses to donate the sales of the teas, coffees and cakes to our charity.

Amanda has been developing her garden since 2006, with a natural winding stream running through the cottage garden it is a haven for wildlife including many garden birds.

Amanda is passionate about helping birdlife, and as a member of SBS she knows how much we depend on the generous donations and fundraising efforts of our members to continue the much-needed research into the decline of UK songbirds, and ways in which we can help reverse the declines through advice and education.

We are very grateful to Amanda and her team of helpers who raised a wonderful £205 from the tea, coffee and cake sales during the Open Garden event. 

If you would like to organise a fundraising event, however big or small, every little really does help, so please visit our fundraising page for some inspiration!

Open Garden May 2022

Open garden May 2022.jpg
donation poster open garden may 2022.jpg
tea table open garden may 2022.jpg
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