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Bird Statistics

Our UK birds have been split into three different categories of conservation importance

Birds placed on the red list are species which:

  • Have declined by more than 50% in the last 25 years

  • Are globally threatened or are not recovering from historical decline

  • Are placed on the red list of Birds of Conservation Concern

Species of birds on the amber list:

  • Have declined by 25 – 50% in the last 25 years

  • Are recovering / recovered from historical decline

  • A rare breeder in the UK or of either European or International importance

Birds on the green list are not considered to be of conservation concern

Below is a list compiled of some of our songbirds which are on the list. Figures have been taken from the BTO ‘birdtrends’ webpage and are subject to change

(Last Updated 01 March 2021)

UK Bird Species Populations Changes 2021
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