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Great Tit

(Parus major)

Alert Status: Green - 98% increase
Identifying Features: Largest of the tit family, with a black crown, nape & throat. The belly is yellow with a black stripe. Males have a broader stripe on the belly than the female
Average Length: 14 cm
Average Lifespan: 3 Years
Average Wingspan: 22-25 cm
Beak type: Insects

Natural: Caterpillars and spiders, seeds & berries
How to feed: Hanging feeders
What to feed: Peanuts, suet treats, mixed seeds, sunflower hearts

Nesting: Cup shaped nest made from moss, down & grass. Frequently use nest boxes with a larger hole.
Where to see: Widespread across the UK; usually found in gardens, parks & woodland.

Great Tit song by david m,
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