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Give songbirds a future

with a Gift in Your Will

Choosing to leave a legacy is a powerful way to protect the future of our songbirds. 
It won’t just enable critical scientific research today, but will continue to make a difference after you have gone, ensuring a world rich with the sound of songbirds. 

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Just under 17% of our income comes from Gifts in Wills and

In Memory gifts



of our vital research programme is made possible by these gifts 

Every legacy, large or small, is very important to us and a gift in your will help us to continue our vital research

Write your will for FREE today:

We have partnered with, to offer a free solicitor checked online wills service for our members. All wills are checked by a qualified solicitor. You can also take advantage of Capacity Vault, a testamentary capacity recording that is tamper-proof and legally verifiable, when you use MakeAWillOnline for your will.

To help us with our campaign, the details of your gift will be shared with us: your name, your contact details, the amount of any gift and the date you made the will.


We may contact you to thank you, and to keep you updated with information about us and how your gift will help the future of songbirds.

You can make a will and leave a legacy to us without sharing this information by paying for the will directly yourself - click here for full details.

Your gift will help to:
  • help create the scientific evidence to fully understand the complex reasons why songbird numbers are crashing 

  • enable us to invest in long term research projects which will find solutions to save songbirds 

  • help us develop educational programmes to encourage people to get involved and take practical action to protect birds 


Every gift received will help make a crucial contribution to our important work. 

Remember a Charity in Your Will

SongBird Survival is proud to be a member of Remember a Charity, a UK wide network of Charities, Solicitors and other Partners - all working together to highlight the importance of gifts in wills and how easy it is for anyone to remember a cause close to their heart.

find out more at:


For lots of help on exactly how you can remember SongBird Survival in your will visit our detailed information at:

In Memory Collection

Remember a loved one by arranging an In Memory collection at a funeral service - or set up your personalised online memory page.

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