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Hold an Event

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Some ideas on activities that you can do to raise funds for SBS - and have fun too!

Fundraise online

Contact us so we can help you get the most out of your event.  We can supply posters, leaflets, sponsorship forms as well as help and ideas.

Why not set up an online fundraising page for your event with one of our partners:

Just Giving Logo.png

click on the "Fundraise for us' option

Sponsored Walk or run

Sponsored walk or run

Get out for some exercise, meet new people and have fun!

Get lots of sponsors - either a set amount or sponsor per mile!  Make sure to get gift aid declarations from your sponsors to make every penny work harder.

Click here to get some pointers to make your event a big success

Table top, garage or boot sale
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Table top, Garage or Boot Sale

Sell your unwanted items and raise funds for SBS!

Many organised table top, garage sales and car boots allow charities to have a free space.  Why not ask in your village or local community? 

Take along old books, videos, ornaments, clothes and sell them on - freeing up space at home and raising funds for SBS. One of our super volunteers has raised over £16,000 through events like this!

If you have a lot to sell or want to involve the whole community then you could consider hiring a whole venue especially for your event - perhaps the vendor will be charitable and donate the space for the good cause!  You could include additional sections like a raffle or tombola.


You'll need:

  • things to sell (ask your friends if they can donate anything)

  • boxes to transport your things in and

  • packaging to wrap anything delicate

  • a table and chair (unless provided by the organiser)

  • a table cloth makes things look nice and hides storage under the table

  • some change - make sure you have enough coinage and smaller notes to allow for early shoppers

  • a note pad and pen - it is useful to note down what you have sold and how much for.  Or even just to help you tally up the takings at the end of the day

  • a smile to greet your potential customers with


Please do ask us for help and we can offer more detailed guidance as well as leaflets and posters:

Cake sale

Cake sale

Hold a BakeOff for birds!

Hosting a cake sale is a tasty way to raise funds for SBS. With a dash of creativity and a pinch of cooking expertise, your cake sale can be a huge success in raising both awareness and the all-important funds.

Whether your stand is on its own at home, work or at school or is part of a bigger event like a fete, fair or market - cakes are always popular!

Perhaps you could combine a Bake-Off style competition as well as selling off the final dishes?  The possibilities are endless!


Download our guide on how to get started:

Top tips for your event
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Top Tips

to holding a successful fundraising event

Some ideas to help you organise an amazing event to help raise funds and promote SBS


What is the purpose of your event?  Perhaps you’d like to do more than raise funds and help let people know more about the cause and work we do.  Let us know how we can help you with leaflets, posters and maybe even attend in person!

Fundraising Goal:

How much money do you plan to raise?  Having a goal will make organising things much easier.


Taking into account the fundraising goal; how much money should you spend on running your event?  Perhaps make a budget listing of everything you can think of and leave a little extra for any unforeseen costs.


Whether working alone or with a group or committee; leadership is essential to reach your goals.  For larger events definitely get a committee together.  Include local celebrities, business leaders and philanthropists and don’t forget on the ground volunteers and staff.

Target Audience:

Who will come to your event?  Who will support you?  Is the event geared towards a specific group like business people, parents, or young professionals?


Where will it be? Will food be served? Will there be entertainment? What kind of dress will be required? What is the itinerary for the event? You can always ask SBS for advice.


Get the word out: make posters, invites, postcards, adverts, word of mouth and, of course, social media. Don’t forget to share your event with SBS so we can help promote it to our supporters for you.


Will people buy tickets or sponsor you or will they be making donations to SBS directly?  Why not set up an online fundraising page here to make collecting funds even easier?  If you expect cash donations on the day make sure you ask SBS for donation boxes.


It is worth running through how your event should run with all key personnel.  If you are having a large or unusual event, the event staff may want to have a practice run to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Thank yous:

Make sure to keep a note of all the people who helped to make your event a success; from volunteers or staff to donors or vendors then let us know these details so we can thank them (and you) all for their help!

Have fun!

Most of all - make sure you have fun!

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