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Take the Pledge

Songbirds Are Friends Not Food

Create change at home by pledging that you will adopt at least one of our solutions with your own pet cats and support our UK songbirds. 

  • Play with your cat for 5-10 minutes each day to ‘sate’ its hunting desire 

  • Feed it a diet high in meat protein 

  • Fit its collar with a scientifically proven BirdsBeSafe collar cuff or similar bird safe collar to deter birds   

  • Keep cats in for at least some of the day or in a catio to protect wildlife  

By pledging to support that Songbirds are Friends Not Food, you’ll join a whole community of bird lovers, striving for change here in the UK.  

Just fill out the form below to help songbirds and you can show your support on social media by using our #FriendsNotFood and receive your exclusive social media profile picture frame!


I pledge Songbirds are Friends Not Food and I will help by using SBS solutions, tips, and advice! 

By providing your postcode, we can see where people are helping songbirds in the UK! 

Thanks for taking our Pledge!

You can help SongBird Survival to help even more songbirds:

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