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Location pin on side.png
FNF cat and bird logo whiskers white.png


Songbirds Are Friends Not Food

Record your sightings

What3Birds Plot sightings

We need you to plot what birds you have seen in your gardens, so get an adult to help you use the form below. 


We want to know the birds you’ve spotted when out and about, and if you or someone nearby to you owns a cat! 


We can use this to update the sightings onto our map and share with everyone that Songbirds are Friends Not Food!


We can all use this to learn more about which songbirds are being spotted, and WHERE!


By entering your data before midnight on the 15th August , you can be in with a chance to win our puppet prize box!   

Top of list (Tits)
Sparrows & Thrushes
Buntings & Pipits
Woodpeckers & Wagtails
Other Bird Families
Missing songbirds stamp.png

Click a minimum of 3 birds you've seen and fill in the form below! 

You can choose as many birds as you have seen!  We want to know about them all! If you have multiple locations, please complete the form again for each different location.

Willow Tit 92.jpg
Blue Tit 29.jpg
Great Tit 98.jpg
Long Tailed Tit 108.jpg
Marsh Tit 78.jpg
Coal Tit 61.jpg
Lesser Redpoll 89.jpg
Bullfinch 36.jpg
Chaffinch 6.jpg
Goldfinch 134.jpg
Greenfinch 65.jpg
Linnet 72.jpg
Siskin 27.jpg
Tree Sparrow 96.jpg
house sparrow 69.jpg
Mistle Thrush 57.jpg
Blackbird 15.jpg
Song Thrush 49.jpg
Swift 58.jpg
Sand Martin 48.jpg
House Martin 75.jpg
Swallow 6.jpg
Yellowhammer 61.jpg
Reed Bunting 15.jpg
Corn Bunting 86.jpg
Tree Pipit 88.jpg
Meadow Pipit 52.jpg
Spotted Flycatcher 90.jpg
Pied Flycatcher 43.jpg
Wheatear 38.jpg
Robin 46.jpg
Nightingale 93.jpg
Whinchat 57.jpg
Common Redstart 12.jpg
Stonechat 118.jpg
wood warbler 66.jpg
Whitethroat 63.jpg
Garden Warbler 27.jpg
Chiffchaff 105.jpg
Reed Warbler 93.jpg
Blackcap 338.jpg
Willow Warbler 67.jpg
Sedge Warbler 39.jpg
lesser spotted woodpecker 60.jpg
Great Spotted Woodpecker 387.jpg
Green Woodpecker 145.jpg
Yellow Wagtail 72.jpg
Pied Wagtail 48.jpg
grey wagtail 45.jpg
Turtle Dove 98.jpg
Collared Dove 266.jpg
Stock Dove 220.jpg
Starling 89.jpg
skylark 63.jpg
Curlew 38.jpg
Dipper 30.jpg
Treecreeper 13.jpg
Wren 109.jpg
Other bird families
Goldcrest 52.jpg
Nuthatch 293.jpg
lapwing 55.jpg
Dunnock 36.jpg
Kingfisher 12.jpg
Cuckoo 78.jpg

Tell us more

Your details

Contact number for prize/address:

Visit the what3words website and discover the unique 3-word location** where you spotted the birds and then come back here to submit it.

Copy these 3 words into the box below. e.g 'hours.pure.hoping' 

If you have any photos of the birds you saw that you would like to share, please upload them here

Upload File
Upload File

I have read the privacy policy and

We'd like to keep in touch by email:

We promise not to overload your inbox and will not share your data - you can unsubscribe at any time

Then share what you've seen and learned:

Sightings submitted - we will upload them to the map soon​. Your submissions will help us all learn about the most at-risk species in each area, and allow you to keep a record of the birds you have seen in your area!​ Thank you for being part of the #FriendsNotFood team!

Head back here later to see your sightings uploaded to our map below very soon!

The campaign is supported by the location technology platform, what3words, which lets people use 3 commonly-used words to describe 3m² locations. (It’s much more precise than postcodes or 6 figure grid references!)

**Safety note: Home sightings are safe to share with us, and will be entered into our anonymous database: No names or personal details will be recorded on the ‘plot’ map, or shared with anybody or or any organisation. To protect your privacy, please don’t share what3words addresses from your home or garden on social media. We recommend sharing your ‘spots’ when in a park, field or public space instead. 

To find your what3words address:

1) click the yellow button to visit the what3words website in a new window. 2) click the search box (where it says daring.lion.race) in that new window to search for a town or postcode near to your location to recentre the map. 3) Zoom in to find your location and click the map to select. 4) 3 new words will show up in the search box - this is the location to copy. 5) Use the copy button next to the new 3 words. 6) return to this window to paste that into the form.

*** Map - updating your sightings.  We will manually add your sightings to our map.  This will usually happen once each 24 hours, but may take a day or two longer during busy periods.  Click the map button to see the full map in a new window.  Bookmark the page to remember where to come back to in order to see your sightings plotted.

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