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Songbirds Are Friends Not Food

Britain’s songbirds need your help!

We need you to help us Find Our Friends that we have lost all over the UK by looking in your gardens and local areas for songbirds. 


As part of our #FriendsNotFood campaign, we want you to spot your local species in our newest at-home research task!


Download our leaflet here to get started!

Click here for a lower-ink version


We need you to help us spot our feathered friends and answer our questions about neighbourhood cats, for a chance to win our puppets prize box by entering your data.


For more information on our newest kid’s competition click here: 


To get started, do just 3 things:

Start here:

Location pin on side.png
1 SPOT What3birds.png
2 PLOT What3birds.png
3 SHARE What3birds.png

1. Click on our ‘Spot’ page with bird identification pictures to guide you. 

2. Use our ‘Plot’ page to record your sightings using your what3words three-word address and help us build our UK songbird map. Answer questions on this page to help us understand where you saw your birds and if there are any cats local to your area.

3. Build your knowledge about how to help our at-risk songbirds species. Then YOU can share it with friends and family and colleagues! The more people you can share your findings with, the better.

You can even pledge to help songbirds as part of our new Friends Not Food campaign and get a profile frame to show off on your social media! 


Happy birdwatching! #what3birds #FriendsNotFood


Find out more about how what3words works...

What3Birds Home Page

They even have a handy app:

App Store.png
Google Play.png
Georgina Bradley Administration Manager.


“I tend to spot song thrushes, green woodpeckers and cuckoos at the what3words location ‘enclosing.example.brightly’ in Norfolk. In my region, the turtle dove, willow warbler and meadow pipit are the most at-risk species. So I make sure that I provide plenty of fresh water in regularly-washed feeders (to prevent infections between birds that share the feeders.)”

*Some species have declined by around 90%! For example from 1995 - 2018 (23 years), Britain’s tree sparrows declined by 96%, willow tits by 94% and starlings by 89%.

**Safety note: Home sightings are safe to share with us, and will be entered into our anonymous database: No names or personal details will be recorded on the ‘plot’ map, or shared with anybody or or any organisation. To protect your privacy, please don’t share what3words addresses from your home or garden on social media. We recommend sharing your ‘spots’ when in a park, field or public space instead.

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