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MISSING in East Anglia!

The following 3 birds are most at risk, and MISSING in YOUR region!

Turtle Dove -95%
Willow Warbler -81%
Meadow Pipit -61%

East Anglia Region (1).png

Songbirds Are Friends Not Food


Please help us find them by looking out of your window, or going for a walk or hike in your local area.

Download and share our handy ‘missing’ posters below.
They help to find out important facts about the species:
1. Appearance
2. Where it's found
3. What it eats & how to feed them
4. How to help them

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Willow Warbler (2).jpg

Willow Warbler -81%

(Phylloscopus trochilus)

Alert Status: Amber

Identifying Features: Willow warblers are small birds with grey-green backs and pale under parts. They have a yellow tinged chest and throat and pale supercillium (the stripe above the eye). Similar features to a chiff chaff but often with paler legs.

Average Length: 10-11.5 cm

Average Lifespan: 2 years

Average Wingspan: 16-22 cm

Beak type: Insects

Eats: Small insects and spiders, fruit and berries in Autumn

Nesting: The domed nest, made from grass, rotten wood, moss and roots, is on the ground among shrubs or grass. The nest has a side entrance and is lined with fine roots and feathers.

Where to see: Willow warblers are widespread and can be seen in suitable habitat across most of the UK.

Willow Warbler song by Dominic Garcia-HaArtist Name
00:00 / 01:03
EAST ANGLIA, Turtle Dove, Missing Poster

Turtle Dove -95%

(Steptopelia turtur)

Alert Status: Red

Identifying Features: The turtle dove is a dainty dove, smaller and darker than the collared dove and slightly larger than a blackbird. Its upperparts are distinctively mottled with chestnut and black and its black tail has a white edge.

Average Length: 25-27 cm

Average Lifespan: 2 years

Average Wingspan: 49-55 cm

Beak type: Seeds

Eats: Fruits and seeds of wildflowers and cereals

How to feed: Turtle doves are generally ground feeders, although you may see them on a bird table and even at a hanging feeder.

What to feed:  Small seeds and grains

Nesting: Like the nests of most pigeons, the Turtle Dove's nest is a flimsy platform of fine twigs.

Where to see: The turtle dove is mainly a bird of southern and eastern England, although it does reach as far as Wales. Best looked for in woodland edges, hedgerows and open land with scattered bushes.

European Turtle Dove song by Patrik AberArtist Name
00:00 / 00:30
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Meadow Pipit.jpg
Meadow Pipit -61%
(Anthus pratensis)

Alert Status: Amber

Identifying Features: The Meadow Pipit looks like a song thrush, but is only slightly larger than a great tit. The male and female Meadow Pipits are alike. Typically, the upperparts are grey to olive-brown in colour with darker streaks. The underparts are pale grey or buff coloured with bold streaks and spots on the breast and flanks. The belly and outer tail feathers are white. The legs are a dull pink.

Average Length: 14.5 cm

Average Lifespan: 4 years

Average Wingspan: 22 -25 cm

Beak type: Insects

Eats: Flies, beetles, moths, spiders

Nesting: Meadow Pipits breed in open country on heaths, moors, bogs, and coastal marshes. The nest is on the ground usually well concealed, and built by the female from dry grass and lined with finer grass and hair.

Where to see: Meadow pipits are found across the UK but are most common in the west and north. In winter it moves south, to more lowland areas and becomes much commoner in the southern half of the UK. They are found in open country - upland moors to saltmarshes in summer, more agricultural land and marshes in winter. They will even come to suburban parks and playing fields.

Meadow Pipit by Gabriel Leite, Xeno-cantArtist Name
00:00 / 00:10
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