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MISSING in London!

The following 3 birds are most at risk, and MISSING in YOUR region!

House Sparrow -67%
Starling -63%
Mistle Thrush -59%

Missing songbirds stamp.png
London Region (1).png

Songbirds Are Friends Not Food

Please help us find them by looking out of your window, or going for a walk or hike in your local area.

Download and share our handy ‘missing’ posters below.
They help to find out important facts about the species:
1. Appearance
2. Where it's found
3. What it eats & how to feed them
4. How to help them

Yellow Placeholder.jpg

Starling -63%

(Sturnus vulgaris)

LONDON, House Sparrow, Missing Poster, S

House Sparrow -67%

(Passer domesticus)

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Mistle Thrush.jpg
Mistle Thrush -59%
(Turdus viscivorus)

Alert Status: Red

Identifying Features: Smaller than blackbirds, with a short tail, pointed head, triangular wings, starlings look black at a distance but when seen closer they are very glossy with a sheen of purples and greens.

Average Length: 22 cm

Average Lifespan: 5 years

Average Wingspan: 37 – 42 cm

Beak type: Generalist

Eats: Insects, spiders, worms and fruit

How to feed: Bird tables, feeders

What to feed: Starlings seem to feed on just about anything: berries, fruit, scraps, suet. However, they feed only invertebrates - not "junk" food - to their young

Nesting: The male builds the nest from grass in a hole in a wall, tree or building, but the female lines it with feathers, wool and moss. The male may decorate the nest with leaves and petals in order to deter parasites and improve his chances of attracting a mate.

Where to see: Starlings are conspicuous and widespread in the UK, occurring everywhere except for the highest parts of the Scottish Highlands. They are most abundant in southern England and are more thinly distributed in upland areas with moorland. Still one of the UK's commonest garden birds. In winter, huge roosts can be found in plantations, reedbeds and city centres. 

Alert Status: Red

Identifying Features: Male has a chestnut brown back with black streaks and a grey crown; female is paler and doesn’t have the grey crown.

Average Length: 14 - 15cm

Average Lifespan: 3 Years

Average Wingspan: 21 - 25cm

Beak type: Seeds

Eats: seeds, nuts, berries, buds, insects and scraps, etc.

How to feed: Bird tables

What to feed: Sunflower hearts, black sunflower seeds & seed mixtures

Nesting: Untidy, domed or cup shaped but will use next boxes with a hole or communal nest-boxes too.

Where to see: Widespread across the UK.  Towns, villages, farmland & countryside

Alert Status: Amber

Identifying Features: Larger than a song thrush with rounded spots on its belly

Average Length: 27 cm

Average Lifespan: 3 Years

Average Wingspan: 42 - 48 cm

Beak type: Generalist

Eats: insects, worms, slugs (but rarely snails), berries

How to feed them: Ground feeders

What: Raisins, peanut granules, sunflower hearts, apples

Nesting: Large messy nest often found in high woodland

Where to see:  Widespread across the UK. Woodland & gardens

Mistle Thrush by david m, Xeno-cantoArtist Name
00:00 / 01:17
House Sparrow by david m, Xeno-cantoArtist Name
00:00 / 02:40
Common Starling by Richard Dunn, Xeno-cArtist Name
00:00 / 00:25
Now Plot your sightings:
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