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MISSING in Scotland!

The following 3 birds are most at risk, and MISSING in YOUR region!

Greenfinch -67%
Curlew -59%
Lapwing -56%

Missing songbirds stamp.png
Scotland Region (1).png

Songbirds Are Friends Not Food

Please help us find them by looking out of your window, or going for a walk or hike in your local area.

Download and share our handy ‘missing’ posters below.
They help to find out important facts about the species:
1. Appearance
2. Where it's found
3. What it eats & how to feed them
4. How to help them

Yellow Placeholder.jpg
dreamstime_m_120883271-eurasian curlew N

Curlew -59%

(Numenius arquata)

SCOTLAND, Greenfinch, Missing Poster, So

Greenfinch -67%

(Carduelis chloris)

Yellow Placeholder.jpg
Lapwing 2.jpg
Lapwing -56%
(Vanellus vanellus)

Alert Status: Red

Identifying Features: The curlew is a wader with a distinctive long, slender, curved beak.  Usually a greyish brown with a blue tone to their grey legs. Its call is a loud "curloo-oo". 
Average Length: 50-60 cm
Average Lifespan: 11 years
Average Wingspan: 89-106 cm

Eats: Mainly on mud or very soft ground, using curved beak to search for worms and other invertebrates, sometimes crabs 

Nesting: a bare scrape on open ground

Where to see: Should be seen on wetlands, moorlands and mudflats throughout UK, but populations are very low.

XC438344 - Eurasian Curlew - Numenius arArtist Name
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Alert Status: Green

Identifying Features: Mostly olive green with a yellow tinge to the underbelly with yellow to the outer wings.  Usually brighter in summer.

Average Length: 15cm

Average Lifespan: 2 Years

Average Wingspan: 25-28 cm

Beak type: Seeds

Eats: Seeds, wild fruit & berries

How to feed: Hanging feeders & bird tables

What to feed:  Sunflower hearts, black sunflower seeds, seed mixtures

Nesting: Usually in colonies in dense shrubs, constructed of twigs & grass lined with fine roots & hair

Where to see: Common UK birds found in woodland, hedges and gardens.

Greenfinch by david m, Xeno-cantoArtist Name
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Alert Status: Red

Identifying Features: From a distance the Lapwing appears black above and white below, but closer observation will reveal the upperparts as a beautiful iridescent dark green and purple. The breast and cheeks are white and under-tail coverts are orange-brown. The legs are pink.

Average Length: 28-31 cm

Average Lifespan: 4-5 years

Average Wingspan: 70-76 cm

Beak type: Insects

Eats: Earthworms, beetles, flies and caterpillars

Nesting: The nest is a shallow hollow, usually in an open area, for example: meadow, marshland, farmland, and industrial sites, indeed, anywhere there is bare ground and damp areas for the chicks to feed.

Where to see: Lapwings are found on farmland throughout the UK particularly in lowland areas of northern England, the Borders and eastern Scotland.

Northern Lapwing by Bernard Bousquet, XeArtist Name
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